11 thoughts on “the full beauty treatment

  1. At least he stayed in the tub! We had a little terrier mix that hated baths and would struggle to get out. Whoever had the bad luck to bathe her would come out soaked to the skin. When it was my turn to bathe the dog, I always did it right before I was planning to take a shower. (Yes, I still needed one afterwards, because I don’t like smelling like dog or flea shampoo.)


  2. what a good idea bathing the dog in a tupperware/plastic tub like that. much cheaper than the proper dog tub (like a real bath tub) Hubby’s ex-boss had INSTALLED at his house! The dog looks so soft when it’s all finished. Want to touch the coat just like I always have to touch sheep skin rugs for sale! Did the human get wet much?


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