more than a little ANGRY

Are any other Australians really, really ANGRY that BIG tobacco has enlisted the aid of Peter Allgeier , a former US ambassador to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to help it fight the Gillard government’s plan to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes? To do so they are enlisting other countries such as Malaysia to pressure the Australian Government.

Are any other Australians, and I hope a few Americans, really, really ANGRY that Republican Donald Manzullo, who sits on the House of Representatives congress committee on foreign affairs, sent the Australian government a letter criticising plain packaging, which states: “Not only does it violate Australia’s global trade obligations and undermine trademark protection, but it also has the negative effect of emboldening governments less committed to intellectual property right protection to dismiss global trade rules”?

Are any other Australians NOT SURPRISED that Big Tobacco are strong supporters of the National Liberal Party in Australia? No doubt also the Republican party in America.The federal government says that 97 per cent of British American Tobacco’s political donations worldwide in 2010 went to the Liberal and National parties.

Tony Abbott can ride his damn bike as much as he likes, but he doesn’t give one real care to the health of ordinary Australians. Hypercritical bastard.

These guys are threatening us, folks. Threatening us for trying to save lives!