casting a caim


The Celtic Church developed a special type of protection prayer, the Caim Prayer or Circle Prayer. This was a way to surround oneself or loved one with protection and blessing – encircled, enfolded and protected.  To perform the Caim Prayer, you stand up, point your right index finger at the ground and turn in a clockwise circle.

Circle me Lord

Keep Protection near

And danger afar


Circle me Lord

Keep light near

And darkness afar


Circle me Lord

Keep peace within

Keep evil out


Circle me Lord

Keep hope within

Keep doubt without.


A colleague explained that within his family they would say it around the crib of the baby as they placed the child down to sleep each night.

Even if you do not feel the presence of a God, it is still a beautiful verse and a very loving ritual to wish a babe goodnight.

The prayer may be finished with:

May you be a bright flame before me
May you be a guiding star above me,
May you be a smooth path below me,
And a loving Guide behind me,
Today, tonight, and forever.


Very meditative; contemplative. Safety to you.

on all fours

Tagged by Mum of Four to give you four!


  1. School – whichever school I am working at each term.
  2. My hometown to visit my Mum, Sister and BIL, or to catch up with school friends. Not as often as I used to, which is sad.
  3. My hairdresser and beautician who are actually several suburbs away, a hang over from the days of the Basement of Discontent, but they accommodate my ways and won’t talk when I need quiet .
  4. The local garden nursery to buy seedlings. It combines a restaurant, gift shop and plant nursery and I love to browse.





  1. Bruce Springsteen
  2. Liam Neeson
  3. Steve Carrell
  4. My first crush was David MacCallum back in the Man from U.N.C.L.E days.


  1.  clean, sun dried clothes and bed linen
  2. lavender
  3. rose
  4. rain settled dust



  1.  Big Bang Theory (I can’t help myself)
  2. Midsommer Murders
  3. Downton Abbey
  4. Colbert Report


  1. You’ve Got Mail (bookshops, people!)
  2. The Help
  3. Finding Forrester
  4. Any, and I mean any, movie based on Jane Austen’s novels.


  1. You can get some great gifts on milestone birthdays – maybe it is the sympathy vote, who knows, or cares. Show other people how to do it with style. Plan a series of events, not just one party with a bang. Lots of smaller intimate events nourish the soul.
  2. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
  3. Continue learning – something, anything. Get a degree, taking up whittling, or whistling or whatever takes your fancy but keep your interests alive.
  4. Don’t live through your children. Live beside your children.