C, C!

Champion Australian swimming team‏

calculator ADDO-X PLUS


Candle Clock

Champagne! Or Chardonnay as we now have to call it!

Charleston the dance

Children, circa 100


Corsets, circa 1925

10 thoughts on “C, C!

  1. but Chardonnay has no bubbles. We have “sparkling wine” if it’s from the US, “cava” from Spain, “prosecco” from Italy, and “champagne” only comes from Champagne, France.


  2. Oooh, come fit me for a corset – now days, at least here in CA, no one even wears pantyhose. No need for garters, but there’s a nail salon on every corner to keep those tootsies pretty. Love those Cabury’s bars, maybe I will need a fitting.


    • I can remember my Mum trying to pull on her “stepins” . Thank goodness the days of corsets are long gone! We have the nail salons in every shopping mall too, multiples of them. The whiff of chemicals as I just walk passed the door is enough to knock a person out! I don’t know how the girls work in there all day, with just a very thin surgical mask as defence!

      Nestle chocolate announced yesterday that they were going to investigate the use of child labour in their supply chain. I wonder how many years that will take them!


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